Monday, March 25, 2013

Conversations Overheard at Airports.

   Airports are interesting places to watch people.  People are coming and going, some are tired, hungry, stressed and emotional about saying goodbye to loved ones.  Parents traveling with small children can be especially  vulnerable when it comes to keeping their cool.  Here are  a couple of conversations overheard by Nana on recent trips.

 The first one was in the Women's restroom.  (*side note - You know how there are times when you wish you had intervened, but did not?  This is one of those times!) 
Mom in the stall right next to me asking her crying toddler in an angry voice  "DO YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOU A SPAKING?  DO YOU"   
I'm not sure that the child could actually formulate the words to give mom an  answer.  The child just kept crying.
At which point I wanted to shout over the wall  - "of course not - that is really a dumb question,  what child would say  " sure - spank away" .

Another most unpleasant conversation not at the airport but actually after boarding. I happened to be sitting in the row in front of a couple, near the back of the plane.  I was tired and anxious to get home.  Only 5 minutes after takeoff  they started to go after each other.  The woman began the attack. I suppose she thought it was okay to level anything at the man next to her by masking her hurtful comments in terms of "feelings", and that everyone has a right to share what they feel.  You can share what you feel, but if you don't listen to the words that come out of your mouth, your "feelings" can ruin relationships. By the way,  15 minutes  before the flight landed, the man got up and found a different seat because he was so done with her.  I felt bad for both of them, but especially for that sad, angry woman who didn't have a clue how  to appropriately talk about her frustrations, and where to find positive, common ground on which to build.  

My mama always used to say that you get a free pass if you are hungry or tired or sick.   That may be true if you have previously established those rules, but still,  If you simply think before you speak and try to listen to yourself.  What do you sound like to others ?  What exactly did you say?  Maybe you do owe and apology.